eCommerce Tips

10 Ecommerce Tips, Tricks, and Trends to Ensure Fast Growth

The e-commerce industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in recent times. This rapid growth in this industry has brought huge competition between the merchants. Here are te…, Continue Reading…

March 17, 2020

The e-commerce industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in recent times. This rapid growth in this industry has brought huge competition between the merchants. Only the wise and the best survive in a competitive market; this is why you have to keep up with the best of tips, tricks that can ensure fast growth. Here are ten e-commerce tips, tricks, and trends to ensure fast growth in E-commerce.

Video Marketing

When it comes to content marketing, using video for it is one of the best ways of making it a success. Who doesn’t love watching videos? The act of video marketing has been proven to work wonders and very effective in engaging customers. Therefore when marketing your product, ensure it’s a video-based thing. Also, by embedding the video from social media site like YouTube to your product page, it enhances the page and attracts more customers to your business.

Voice Search

Reports have shown that more than 20% of Google search queries were made by voice in lieu of text, and chances are this percentage will rise to about 50% by 2020. This is why you need to brace up and prepare for this new trend. Focus on tailoring your product descriptions to the words customers are likely to search with. The more polished up they are, the better they’ll sound when read aloud by virtual assistants like Alexa, and Siri.

Display Icons That Show Your Site Is Trustworthy

Nobody wants to do business with an unreliable person, not to talk of a website that looks sketchy. Displaying icons that show your site credibility is one good way of making fast growth in this competitive industry. One of the first things to do to ensure the credibility of your site is to make sure your website is secured. A website that’s not secured is a turn off already for customers. Also, you can display the security badges your website is using for your visitors to see.

Use Photos for Customers Testimonials

A visitor interested in one of your product will likely check the reviews page, and the testimonial page to see what other buyers need to say about they bought from you. It’s a great way to show proof of concept. However, a message from a nameless face or faceless person might not cut it. This is why you need to make this page much better by adding a photo and including the person’s full name and title when putting up their testimonies on your testimonial page.

Go mobile

Several reports have shown that over 40% of mobile users have bought something online. Another interesting fact is that over 63% of millennials shop on their phones. This says a lot about the need for your e-commerce website to ensure mobile functionality. It needs to be optimized for mobile devices and not just for computers only. With 63% of millennial shopping on their phone, if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing money, my friend.

Work Closely With Social

Social media is the heartbeat of your business. How it beats will determine how much sales you’ll be making. Social media gives you a glance into the lives of your customers, which can help you know ways to serve them well. Also, your customers are on various channel or market places to search for their favorite products; this shows the need to market your products and services on all available marketplaces or channels.

Upsell and Cross-sell

Upselling is the act of making or encouraging customers to spend more than they had initially intended, while cross-selling involves the technique of making customers spend more by purchasing a related product to what they bought already. To make crazy sales and ensure fast growth in this business, you need to upsell more and cross-sell more. If you sell shoes, you can upsell by giving them a discount for buying two pairs instead of one. You can cross-sell by selling socks along with the shoes.

Leverage AI-powered Chatbots

The visitors or customers want prompt and accurate answers to their questions. It gets more challenging to provide these answers when you’re offering your services to a different part of the world with a different timezone. This means you have to stay online 24/7, but is this possible? This is where AI-powered chatbot comes in to simplify things for you. They can answer countless customers at a time, with no need for human supervision.

Spice Up Promotions for The Holidays

The holiday period is a good time and a small window of opportunity to make massive sales. People are looking to spend more money during this period, and luckily for you, chances are the shopping malls will be jam-packed already, people will find it more convenient to shop from home. It would help if you used this to your advantage by ramping up your promotions during this holiday period and giving your best offer.

Simplify Your Online Payment Method

Now, this stage usually the last stage of any buying process. Reaching the checkout page doesn’t mean the customers will complete the checkout unless this page gives a smooth and easy experience. Reports show that 70% of customers abandon their carts, and the reason is likely due to the hassle they encounter at this stage. Therefore, simplify your payment methods, offer a hassle-free checkout process, and make sure you have multiple payment gateways. There you go! As the world and the e-commerce industry evolve, you need to follow suit because the competition is quite huge. The above tips, tricks, and trends will help significantly in ensuring you stay atop of the competition and ensuring the growth of your business.If you want to discover more about our services, contact us today at Fulfillman. We specialize in providing excellent Drop Shipping services, Warehouse fulfillment, China sourcing, Third Party Logistics, and so forth. Our trusted experts will be available to speak with you and discuss the options available to you. We guarantee you get quality and excellent services that give complete client satisfaction.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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