eCommerce Tips

10 Ways to Find Trusted Wholesale Products Suppliers

You need a supplier that will provide you with the product's inventory. Without a reliable supplier on hand to avail with the inventory of the products, it will be a struggle. In t…, Continue Reading…

August 22, 2019

Now that you have discovered the product to deal on in your e-commerce business, you need a supplier that will provide you with the product's inventory. Without a reliable supplier on hand to avail with the inventory of the products, it will be a struggle.Nevertheless, finding a rusted supplier that we provide you with the online wholesale products you want is no easy task. In this post, we are going to look at the different ways you can find them.

Identify the Kind Supplier You Want

Before you set out in search of a supplier you have to identify the wholesale products to be supplied with. Develop a prototype which you will use to convey what you need to the supplier. If you want them manufactured and supply in the small quantity you can go for a small supplier or go for a big name supplying company if you want them supplied in huge quantity. Ensure that the supplier will meet up with your demands at the right time.

Ask For Recommendations

When you are looking for a reliable and established supplier you should let the people around you know about this. Talk to your friends, family members or business associates. Business people can help you refer you to suppliers they have worked with and trusts. During your search for suppliers, you will come across many that will not offer what you are looking for. You can ask them to refer you to a supplier that offers you what you want.

Trade Shows

Trade shows is a place to visit to find a supplier whose services are tailored to what you the items you need to stock your e-commerce store. At trade shows, there are different booths with unique sold items displayed for the buyers to see. You can visit the booths to find a supplier that will offer you the wholesale products you are looking for. This is also a great way of surveying what your competitors are into and the trends to keep up with.

Start Price Negotiation

After you have found a supplier it's time to sit down at the table and reach a price agreement. Different suppliers have varying prices of offering you their services. Negotiate a price that will suit your budget. Do not be afraid to haggle. At first, the supplier will appear unyielding to what you can afford but with persistence and bargaining strategy, you will have them supplying you with wholesale products at a cost within your budget.

Discuss with the Supplier

It is important to work with a supplier whose ethics matches that of your business. Whether you have found your supplier by word of mouth or on the internet, invite them to a table discussion to meet face to face and relate to them what you want. You can use the avenue to enquire from them about delivery process and time, the products in their inventory, quality and how the wholesale products are stored.

Leave out Middlemen

The main aim of finding a supplier is to contact them and hear from them directly. Using the help of a middleman to find a buyer can rob you of this. Also, not using a middleman cuts down the cost of finding a supplier. Some middlemen might not be honest with you about a supplier because they want to swindle you of your money. Leaving them out enables you to meet the supplier and have a firsthand experience of their efficiency.

Ask For Samples

A supplier telling you that they have and can supply you the items to stock your online store with is not enough. Before you reach an agreement with them, you should request for a sample. The reason being that you would want to test, and feel the quality of the selling item and ensure that it meets the standard you want. Avoid suppliers that won't oblige to giving you samples of the wholesale products.

Check Online

Apart from word of mouth or recommendation from friends suppliers are now using the websites to create awareness of their services. You can search for reputable suppliers on the internet through search engines such as Google.Visit their websites and check if they have an inventory of the items you want for your store. Read reviews from their previous and current clients on their website to see if they are authentic.

Determine the Minimum Supply Order

Whether you are into dropshipping or other e-commerce businesses, you have to ensure that the minimum order of the supplier is manageable to you. Every supplier has a minimum order quantity of wholesale products that they supply. It is best to ask them from the onset to know if in consonance with your business.

What Out for Scammers

Suppliers that have no reputation and are out to rip you off isn't what you want for your business. Ungenuine suppliers do not have a website, have no items inventory and may not ask you about your business tax details. You have to keep an eye peeled out for these scamming alerts to avoid getting scammed.Suppliers are important in the distribution chain of e-commerce businesses. There are genuine and Ingeninue suppliers out there. It takes adhering to certain guidelines to avoid the bad ones when searching for a reputable supplier. Now that you are armed with this knowledge you can begin now to search for a real supplier to start your business.Contact us today at Fulfillman. We specialize in providing excellent Drop Shipping services, Warehouse fulfillment, China sourcing, Third Party Logistics, and so forth. Our dedicated experts will be available to speak with you and discuss the options available to you. We guarantee you get quality and excellent services that gives 100% client satisfaction.

Call Fulfillman Today!

Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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