eCommerce Tips

5 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Your Sales

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January 5, 2019

With the advancement in technology, there are so many different types of online marketing strategies out there today, but one has surely proven to stand out and is still gets chosen more times than not – email marketing. It’s a no-brainer that everyone on the internet today gets emails “personal, business and marketing purposes.” So what decides someone's head whether they read an email or send it to their spam folder? We have listed below few email marketing tips that can help your content not only get read but help you have a better conversion rate on those leads.

1. Make use of Plain Text and Avoid FlashDo you know that using flashy graphics fewer chances of getting your email read? Yes, it is advisable that you stick to plain ordinary text; your readers will be more likely to read your entire message. This is a because of the mere fact that you'll seem more personable through your message and it won’t seem bot message. Its general that people see flashy emails as advertisements meanwhile you will be able to appeal a higher percentage of your email list when you keep your email simple.2. Make Your Email PersonalAnother great email marketing that should be noted is making each email that you send out personal. This is rather easy to implement. Simply make sure that you include the name of your recipient, you can do this by tweaking the code within your autoresponder. You’ll appear more genuine when you include each person's name. In fact, it'll seem as if you're sending out a personal message rather than sending out a bulk email.3. Keep Subjects HonestKeeping the subject lines of your emails honest is yet another email marketing tips you should remember. Ensure that the subject you choose is relevant to your email and make sure it will capture the interest of the reader, or else you will begin to lose the trust of your readers. Usually, if the first few sentences don't relate to the subject, most people will stop reading right away.4. Test Your CampaignsIf you plan on making more sales, you need to run a test of your campaigns firstly. Create your test groups and look at the format of emails before sending them out. Test the links in the email to make sure that you have formatted them properly, so they work right. The more you test, the more you will find out what works best for converting people on your list into sales for your company.5. Get to Know Your AudienceIt will cost you nothing to know more about your audience. You don’t have to memorize their namesor email addresses, but you can at least know what their habits are or what things will make them interested in your products or services.Overall, there are so many ways to get your audience engaged with your email, but by following these tips and having a strong call to action, you should be able to change leads into conversion.

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