
7 Mistakes That Affect Product Photography and How to Fix Them

A mistake can affect or reduce the quality of your product photos. Here are some common mistakes that affect product photography and how to fix them.…, Continue Reading….

October 28, 2022

A picture is worth a thousand words. Several customers often base their purchase decisions on your product image. Over a fifth of returns are due to complaints that the product was different from the picture. Customers reasonably expect that they get what they see.You might think that your job as a product photography expert is as easy as pointing your camera at the item and sending the images, but the reality is a little different. When taking product photography of your goods, you’ll make several mistakes.However, knowing how to avoid them or how to fix them when you encounter them is the smartest thing you could do for yourself. Continue reading to discover 7 of the most common mistakes that affect product photography and how to fix them.

Ignoring both Natural and Artificial Lighting for Product Photography

Lighting is very essential in photography. You can’t have a picture without it. While many photographers are good at factoring in natural lighting, they sometimes forget that artificial lighting can dramatically impact how images look.Before taking photos of the product, think of the conditions you want to shoot in. Is the item going to be used inside or outside? After answering these questions, you can consider additional lighting props you might need. Ring lights are popular among photographers. You can also use neon lights.

Having Blurry Images in Product Photography

Nothing screams amateur like a blurry image. This is caused by either the camera’s moving or it’s out of focus. This something you simply can’t fix in a post. Many professional product photographers use a tripod because even the slightest movement can blur the image. This prevents any movement.Another cause for blurring is if the lens is out of focus, and that’s something that can be fixed. Just devote a little time and effort to ensure your adjustments are spot on. So, make sure you pick what parts you wish to highlight.

Focusing On Composition and Ignoring Colors

With lighting as an exception, the composition is the most vital aspect that makes a good photo. Think of how to make a product look interesting, factoring in theory like the rule of thirds. However, many photographers disregard the importance of colors.Before you photograph the product, study the colors you’ll shoot and think of how they can harmoniously work together. Adobe Color is a helpful tool for showing which shades do and do not cooperate

Overcrowding The Photos

Overcrowding photos is a problem that many product photographers often do. Adding too many things into your picture takes the viewer’s eyes away from what they’re supposed to look for and dilutes the message you intended to communicate.When you take photos of products, you should ask what you don’t want in the image before determining what to do. Ideally, you should have one focal point, two at most. Keeping your images simple will allow you to share the message you’re trying to convey much easier and faster.

Ignoring the Product’s Most Impressive Features

Getting acquainted with the main subject will make your job easier when jumping into any photography genre. Before capturing, take time to learn more about the item and its most remarkable features.Think about what makes the product stand out from its competitors. Does it have cool buttons? Or probably it’s made out of unique material. Capture a range of shots and highlight what makes the product interesting. That way, your pictures will stand out, and you’ll have an easier time marketing your images.

Not Considering Where The Photos Will Be Used

These days, many companies need to have an online presence across multiple platforms. In addition to their websites, business owners market themselves through display ads and a wide range of social media channels. Each marketing channel you use will require different image styles and dimensions.Before shooting the product, ask your client where they want to use the images. At least, deliver images that will suit those channels. If you want to go beyond that, shoot some extras that they can use on all channels in the future.

Your Products Aren’t Photo Ready

You must have seen how much goes into a single product shoot. Therefore, it isn’t surprising how some details can be simply overlooked. One of the most common mistakes you’ll find in product photography is neglecting the product itself.Take time to wipe down dust or fingerprints. Double-check if the product or its packaging has any damage like dents or scratches. Capturing even the slightest imperfection will put your product in a bad light and turn off any potential buyers.


Humans are visual creatures. When they shop, their eyes lead their purchase decisions, so first impressions count. The images on your website should be an accurate and attractive representation of your products. However, along the line, you could make some mistakes as regards product photography.Luckily for you, this article has done justice to let you know ways to fix them. By focusing on these photography fundamentals, you’ll be positioning your store in the best light and providing the best online shopping experience possible.

Contact Us for Your Quality Product Photography!

At Fulfillman, we specialize in offering excellent Product Photography services. We are experts in Ghost Mannequin Photography, Hero Shots, as well as Jewelry Product Photography. Our services are well-detailed and highly professional.In addition, we offer the best quality photos that highlights your product in a way that will get your customers to pay attention. Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about our services. An amazing experience awaits you.

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Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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