
Small Business Saturday: 8 Tips To Boost Your Online Business

Small Business Saturday can be a great period to attract customers and boost sales. Read on to discover some tips for your dropshipping or ecommerce business.…, Continue Reading….

November 29, 2022

According to available statistics, about 51 million shoppers participated in Small Business Saturday in 2021. 70% of customers reported that Small Business Saturday makes them want to encourage others to shop at small and independently-owned retailers. The key to boosting your business on Small Business Saturday is to know how to attract customers. Continue reading to discover 8 tips to boost your online business to encourage people to support your drop shipping/ ecommerce business this day.

Do Something Different And Special

Small Business Saturday is a day to entice customers that stop by your store. You can offer special promotions, host an event like a kid-friendly activity, a shop-and-sip, or a food tasting, bring in local artisans or performers, or add an extra incentive to shop, like offering irresistible discounts or donating a portion of the day’s proceeds to a local charity.

Tweak Your SEO Strategy

Search engine optimization is one of the most important tips for a small business to implement. It allows customers to find your website and learn more about your business. Without good SEO, you won’t be as visible to your audience. SEO is very important, as many consumers are going to shop online rather than in person.Therefore, a large chunk of your sales will rely on your SEO practices. To improve your chances of showing up in search results, focus on using the right keywords for your business. Publish blog posts with relevant content, and ensure Google shows where you’re located so you can recruit members from your community.

Support Your Customers So They Support You

If you want to make a lasting impression, good customer service is important. Ensure you have a solid team of workers to answer phone calls, address questions and concerns, offer live chat support, and provide guidance when placing orders. Prioritizing your customers this way will show them you genuinely care and appreciate them. This candor is much more than most large businesses offer. Also, most sales will take place digitally this year. Thus, it’s important for customers to feel as much support from you virtually as they would in person.

Stock Up On Popular Items

The last thing you want before the season begins is to run out of popular merchandise. That’s why it’s necessary to understand your product demands during the holiday season. Plan strategically in advance, and stock up on popular items. Look at the purchase history for your biggest shopping days to get an idea of what customers want, and place them in easily accessible areas of your store.

Extend Your Hours on Small Business Saturday

It’s advisable to extend your hours on Small Business Saturday. This will increase traffic by giving customers more time to come in, making it easier for them to stop by before or after they meet their previous obligations or complete their regular shopping. If you do decide to extend your hours, ensure you put the word out along with the rest of your Small Business Saturday marketing materials. Include this in your social media posts, newsletters, emails, or newspaper ads.

Reinvest In Social Media on Small Business Saturday

Social media is often the first thing to get pushed aside when business gets busy. Consider it a critical part of your marketing plan. Creative and purposeful content can capture customers’ attention. Come up with a plan to promote your Small Business Saturday offers two to three weeks before it happens. It’s not too late if you haven’t started yet.Decide which platforms you want to post on, what you’ll post, and what you hope to achieve by posting. Do you wish to drive more traffic to your store? Do you wish to increase awareness of your product? Continue to post once or twice a week leading up to the day, ensuring you include all necessary info, like your location and any relevant promotion or event details.

Boost Your Other Marketing Strategies

In addition to your social media marketing, take time to rethink your overall marketing strategy and increase your advertising efforts. With Black Friday marking the official start of the holiday shopping season, now is a good time to beef up your local marketing strategy and ensure it maximizes your chance of success. Create a comprehensive marketing campaign to draw customers to your store. In all your marketing materials, be clear about what you’re offering and why they’re unique to your store.


Small Business Saturday is a golden opportunity for dropshipping or ecommerce businesses to lay the groundwork for year-round success. You can boost sales, raise your brand awareness, and strengthen ties with your local community. Meanwhile, it's easy to get lost with so many businesses competing for attention. Working on these tips discussed above will allow you to find your way around it to ensure success. Once you achieve this, your customers will work away with the feel-good factor that will make them loyal to your brand all year round.

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Contact us today at Fulfillman to know more about the services. We are experts in Global Fulfillment, China Sourcing, Dropshipping, Third Party Logistics, and many more. Our dedicated team will be available to speak with you and discuss your possible dropshipping options. Our experts will provide suitable answers to your questions and concerns. We guarantee you excellent services.

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