If you are a business owner or you are starting a business, and you are in need of a rebirth good advice from experts can improve your chances of success. Fortunately, we can get quality advice from experts who can help us build our new or evolving businesses. The great thing about these experts is that you don't have to set an appointment, be on their schedule, or pay hourly fees; instead, they can work around you. These experts in the form of books, give you the opportunity to get expert advice, how you want it when you want it, and at an amazingly low price. Well, to cut the story short, read on for our Top 5 books for Entrepreneurs:
- The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5
Ferriss describes a concept in his book that may be new to most people--living like the "New Rich." By starting a profitable automated enterprise, Ferriss describes precisely how you too can "escape 9-5, live anywhere, and join the New Rich." Not a theoretical treatise on business concepts, this outstanding book is a step-by-step guide to creating wealth by working less.
- The Magic of Thinking Big
David J. Schwarz. This is one of the most influential books on motivation and goal setting books. This book is When highly recommended by such famous authors as Tim Ferriss of The 4-Hour Workweek. Make this the FIRST book you read.

- The Lean Startup
If you are just starting a business this book can save you a ton of money and TIME! The book is written by Eric Ries and it gives us the lean startup principles of build, measure, and learn with a minimum viable product which allows new entrepreneurs to find out what customers really want.
- The Code of the Executive
A truly original and insightful read! This book smoothly flows into a motivational/leadership book that goes beyond a normal read. Many excellent business motivation books are set on business and helping others perform. Schmincke takes this further and also focuses on the Executive's mind and body. Prepare yourself for an awakening in business and life by reading this.
- Good to Great
Jim Collins analyzes companies, on standards and statistics explained in the text, that made the transition from a good company to a great one. Making that transition from good to great is rare and challenging. While our entrepreneurial road to building a good company will be hard enough, it is one that has many paths. Collins is a great writer with an excellent research team to back the words.
I highly recommend each of these books to you, and I hope they help you as much as they have helped anyone that has ever does.
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